Art Education Victoria exists for and because of our passionate art education community. Our members include art and generalist educators, schools, tertiary institutions, arts and cultural organisations including galleries and museums, libraries and businesses across Victoria, interstate and across the globe. Renew or join our community today!

We aim to inspire, connect and empower members through professional development, provide resources, networking opportunities and collective advocacy for visual arts education.

The benefits of membership include:

– Free and discounted online resources
ARTicle, our online publication showcasing art education across Victoria and beyond
– Free and discounted professional development programs, including scheduled Conferences and Symposiums
– Regular networking and social events
– Special offers and complimentary offers from ArtEdVic partners for members only
– Access to Art Education Victoria community and VCE ART: CP and M&E Educators (VCE: Creative Practice and Making & Exhibiting) and 7-10 Visual Art Educators Victoria Facebook groups


Individual $95
Concession – unwaged/pre-service teacher/CRT/first year graduate/Tertiary students $55
School | 2-3 users $250
School | 4-6 users $395
Tertiary Institution | 2 users $375
Gallery/Museum*  | 2 users $375
Business/Organisation | 2 users $375

* All memberships are for 365 days.

* Galleries/Museums are advised to contact the Executive Officer, Lena Cirillo, to discuss for further opportunities above membership benefits. 

Become a member or renew your membership today by filling out the form below.


DET smallest
Monash University