VCE Art Folio Development

Getting you off to a good start

At Art Education Victoria, we’re keen to help build your creative confidence and ability. The resources below are designed to help you learn from those who have gone before you and expert educators who have seen many students through the process

KickstART VCE 2021

Did you or your students miss out on our KickstART (folio development) event earlier this year? Watch the recording and be re-inspired. A focus on VCE folio development that you can share with your year 11 students moving into year 12.

KickstART is a student driven program that ArtEdVic presents in partnership with the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) to support VCE Art and Studio Arts students and teachers. Hear from NGV Top Arts exhibitors and high achieving students to help current students gain inspiration and insight for VCE.

CLICK HERE for more information about the STUDIO ARTS recording

CLICK HERE for more information about the ART recording

If you are a student participating in VCE Art Study Guide and would like to receive up dates about AEV and partner organisations VCE offerings join our VCE Student Mailing List.

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Monash University