Board Chair - Elizabeth Knight

Visual Arts Specialist | 

Elizabeth Knight is currently teaching Visual Arts in Regional Victoria at Brauer College. She is teaching. Elizabeth has taught in both private and government secondary schools in Regional Victoria. Her classes have engaged with Community partners to produce art pieces for the School and Community projects.

Elizabeth is also a practicing artist in variety of media; painting, printmaking, drawing and photography. She has belonged to a number of artist collectives over the years as a member and held the position of President at the Portland Bay Press. Elizabeth has participated in Community projects supporting artists in realising their projects e.g.: Marine Markers, Portland and Illuminated by Fire, Portland. She has participated in other Community Arts Projects in Warrnambool and Overseas.

It is by living in this Regional location that Elizabeth is aware of the value of Art Education Victoria, of which she has been a member for a number of years, the resources, opportunities and connections that it offers to Regional Arts Educators has been and continues to be invaluable.

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Monash University