The Kyrgyz Arts and Crafts Workshop | UNESCO Observatory of Arts Education

The Kyrgyz Arts and Crafts Workshop | UNESCO Observatory of Arts Education

The Melbourne UNESCO Observatory of Arts Education provides a platform from which research and professional networks grow, not only within Melbourne, but across Australia and in collaboration with other Arts Observatories within South East Asia.

To support this knowledge growth, we invite Melbourne based artists, designers, teachers and students to the Observatory to work alongside our Kyrgyz artists in residence in 3 hands on workshops. There will be time to speak with the artists, see the exhibition and welcome them into the arts and crafts community.

Saturday afternoon making in the Kyrgyz Arts and Crafts Workshop includes:

  • Kyrgyz textile jewelry, with fashion designer Tatiana Vorotnikova
  • The “nuna felt” scarf making, with designer Kadyrkul Sharshembieva
  • Eco-prints on felt, with designer Iniskhan Turgankazieva


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Monash University