Date :
Time : 2pm–6pm
Location :
Teachers PD Day (BLINDSIDE Gallery)
Saturday 8 April 2017, 2pm–6pm
Professional learning for VCE Art + Studio Arts teachers exploring artist-run initiatives and alternative spaces.
Discover new art spaces for students to visit – enriching the student experience – and make personal connections with other teachers and art industry professionals.
BLINDSIDE’s Teachers Professional Development Day will explore a diverse range of exhibition spaces in the Melbourne CBD. Starting at BLINDSIDE, meet and hear from Debut XIII curators, take a short walk to visit a variety of ARI’s and tucked away alternative art hotspots. Returning back to BLINDSIDE for cheese, wine and a fun discussion with peers at the end of the tour.
COST: $50 (AEV Members receive a 20% discount, log in or join to obtain the discount).
For more information, please email the gallery.
Thumbnail Image - Kim Leutwyler, Ollie with White, Red and Green, 2016
Banner Image - Here in the Undergrowth exhibition 2016 with work by Matthew Harris