NVAEC 2019 At the Heart: Inspiration, Bravery, Compassion and Connection | NGA

NVAEC 2019 At the Heart: Inspiration, Bravery, Compassion and Connection | NGA

NGA is at the heart of our nation’s visual culture so it is fitting that they will host the fourth National Visual Art Education Conference in January 2019.

The theme in 2019, in line with the major summer exhibition Love and Desire: Pre-Raphaelite Masterpieces from the Tate, is all about matters of the heart—inspiration, bravery, compassion and connection.

The conference program in 2019 will offer opportunities for teachers of all levels of schooling as well as artists and educators from the museum and gallery sector to explore a broad range of current issues in visual art education.

Call for papers and workshops is now open (closes: Sunday 23 September 2018)

Tickets opening soon


For conference enquiries email nvaec@nga.gov.au

Banner image: Sally Smart The choreography of cutting (the pedagogical puppet projects) 2012–15 (detail), synthetic polymer paint, conte crayon, oil pastel and pencil on canvas and paper, fabric, wood, cardboard, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, purchased 2016

Thumbnail image: Sally Smart Imaginary anatomy #7 March 1995 prints, monotype and stencil, printed in colour inks, from one plate; collage additions of cut paper, printed fabric and tape, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, purchased with the assistance of the Gordon Darling Australasian Print Fund 2002 © Courtesy of the artist

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Monash University