ACCA | Art Industry Contexts | Analytical Frameworks | Practice and Process | Interpreting and Discussing Art(VCE)

ACCA | Art Industry Contexts | Analytical Frameworks | Practice and Process | Interpreting and Discussing Art(VCE)

Open up connections and new ways of thinking about the world through contemporary art. ACCA’s Education Program is free and available to groups on weekdays throughout exhibition seasons.

Art Industry Contexts

Students will learn about ACCA behind-the-scenes, and the processes involved in preparing, presenting, conserving and promoting art in a public, non-collecting contemporary art gallery.

Recommended for VCE Studio Arts students, 1hour session

Analytical Frameworks

Using the Analytical Frameworks, students will analyse and interpret the meanings and messages of artworks presented in ACCA’s exhibitions, providing unique opportunities to experience post-1990 artistic practices.

Recommended for VCE Art students, 1 hour session

Practice and Process

Students will learn about contemporary art practice and processes of exhibiting artists, investigating how they experiment with concepts, materials, techniques and processes, and how this practice culminates in a resolved artwork, or body of work for an exhibition.

Recommended for VCE Art or Studio Arts students, 1 hour session

Interpreting and Discussing Art

Students will discuss varying interpretations of art in society. As a group they will interpret and critically analyse artworks within ACCA’s exhibitions, with consideration of different sources and viewpoints.

Recommended for VCE Art or Studio Artsstudents, 1 hour session

Further information and bookings via ACCA

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Monash University