A Reflection on Historical Debates and Contemporary Realities | From the 1960s Archive
In the archives of the Art Education Victoria office lie decades of rich history encapsulated in the newsletters of the Art Teacher’s Association Victoria (ATAV), now Art Education Victoria Incorporated. These newsletters and articles, spanning over 60 years from the 1960s to the present, serve as a testament to the enduring advocacy for the value […]
How many Art Teachers does it take to change a Curriculum?
Abstract: It sounds like this question should have a punch line, doesn’t it? OK, let’s re-phrase the question as an open-ended inquiry. What about, “How can a small team of Visual Art teachers re-design all our Art subjects at Years 7 to 10 to deliver engaging, student focused project based inquiry learning in response to […]
Dr Max Darby: Encouraging Art Students
A 2023 perspective on Art Education
Nurturing excellence in visual arts teaching
In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of professional development for visual art educators. As schools face budget cuts and prioritise core subjects, it is crucial to advocate for continuous learning opportunities that support the growth and excellence of visual art educators, especially educators teaching out-of-field content and as technological […]
Digital Learning and Teaching in Victoria | DIGITECH and ICT across the Curriculum
BEYOND TECHNOLOGY: What I Learned About Students with a Disability from Remote Teaching
Looking BACK I teach Art in a Special School, which caters for students with an intellectual disability in Years 7-12. When Remote and Flexible Learning started, we moved online. Every day, I met with my students through video conferencing, and for 6 weeks, we created Art together in a virtual space. During Remote Learning, I […]
Studio Thinking with Lois Hetland
Towards the end of last year Laura and myself began talking about Studio Thinking and its framework for unpacking our practice. Studio Habits of Mind provide a great structure for us to consider how we develop authentic creative practice for students in our care. It became clear that this was something worth sharing and developing a […]
To weave or not to weave, that is the (knotty) question
NICOLA PHILIP I would hazard a guess that many of the art teachers in our primary schools are not formally art trained, at least not at the start of their art room journey anyway. Often it is people returning from family leave who only wish to work part time, or those among us who are […]
Gluing on the Right Side of the Brain!
Dr. Max Darby: Art Education Consultant; Artist in Residence; Workshop leader. The photo below is one of the many environmental murals I’ve undertaken as an Artist in Residence with primary-aged students. The major intention is obviously to enhance the visual/aesthetic environment of the schools in which I work. But the murals are much more than […]