Serve on the Board

Nominations for the 2025-26 Art Education Victoria Board will be open soon!

The 2025-26 Board will be elected at the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 30 April 2025. You can nominate for a general Board member position and then once elected express an interest in an Executive role if there are any vacant.

To find out more about the roles and responsibilities, email us for a copy of our constitution and Board position descriptions. For more information about governing a non-profit association visit Consumer Affairs Victoria.

Art Education Victoria also has committees which focus on building the community and driving the development of art education programs, events, resources and other initiatives (rather than governance of the organisation). You can join a sub-committee at any time.

Art Education Victoria is governed by a Board of elected volunteers

Each year, the members of Art Education Victoria elect new Board members to fill vacant positions at the annual general meeting. A Board member may be co-opted throughout the year if a position is vacant. Board members must be a member of Art Education Victoria.

The Board is responsible for governing the organisation. This includes: developing budgets and managing finances; developing policies and procedures and ensuring the organisation meets its legal obligations; setting and implementing strategic direction; and overseeing relationships with key partners and stakeholders. As a small organisation, the Board is quite hands on. It oversees the committees, volunteers and employees of Art Education Victoria.

As a Board member you will help Art Education Victoria reach its strategic goals

Serving on the Board is a great way to grow yourself professionally while making a valuable contribution to the art education community. As a Board member you will work collaboratively to help Art Education Victoria reach its strategic goals. You will drive the good governance, financial management and legal compliance of the organisation.

As a Board member you will broaden your understanding of the current state and priorities of art education in Victoria. You will develop your professional networks as you help strengthen Art Education Victoria’s partnerships with the education and arts communities. 

During your time on the Board, you will be empowered to become a leader in the arts, education and not-for-profit sectors as you build networks and capabilities through professional development and board experience.

We’re looking for diverse skills and perspectives

The Board is made up of people from art education, museums and galleries, universities, creative industries, business, government and beyond. We strive to be a diverse and inclusive organisation and are seeking to better represent the early years, primary, special needs, art therapy, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education, and school leadership.

Board members are expected to volunteer their time and skills

A 2025-26 Board induction day will take place after the annual general meeting. There are a minimum of six governance meetings a year that Board members are expected to attend in person or online. There are also regular planning meetings and ‘working bee’ days (typically one per month).

Please note that a list of nominees will be circulated to members before and at the annual general meeting. We will not disclose your email address or phone number.

DET smallest
Monash University